It's the end of this year, and the beginning of a new one where we get to summarize our living. What worked and what did not work. What was in our best interest and served the greater good or what repeated habit/habits provided a continuation of holding us back. Cleaning out the closet is one of the hardest jobs, but letting go of unnecessary burdens and struggles is so freeing. Mental clutter as well as material clutter are all things that we stuff in a closet to be dealt with later. When does later come? Later is now and now is the perfect time to renew, reflect and refresh. Making this is a daily practice or at least a weekly practice helps to prevent build-up. So, renew you spirit with unclaimed dreams, or make that vision board if you need a visual hands on reminder. Reflect on the order and ways to make what seems impossible, possible. Lastly refresh, never forgetting to breathe through it all. And remember to enjoy yourself and share yourself; we're in this together.